
{% include "liquid_assign_variables" %}
{% include "partial_if_bg_image_top" %}

Saturate social media with these stories

Saturate social media
with these stories

Help us reach 1 million voters by December.

We've set a target to reach 1 million voters by December. We're targeting crucial swing seats and seats filled with veterans, to maximise the pressure we can exert on all sides. Help us make this an issue that politicians cannot ignore. Even a small donation can have a huge impact.

Can you
chip in?

We strongly recommend you use this form.

Donations are protected by Stripe's military-grade security.

To use PayPal keep scrolling down.

{% if page.donation_v2.content.size > 0 %}
{% if page.headline.size > 0 %}

{{ page.headline }}

{% endif %}
{{ page.donation_v2.content }}
{% endif %}
{% if page.donation_v2.has_amount_goal? %} {% assign thermo_width = 100 %}

{{ page.donation_v2.amount_goal_format | split: "." | first }} GOAL

{% if page.donations_count < 1 %}
{% else %}
{{ page.donation.percent_of_amount_goal | times:100 | round }}%
{% endif %}
{% elsif page.donation_v2.has_donor_goal? %}

{{ page.donation_v2.donor_goal }} Donors Goal

{% if page.donations_count < 1 %}
{% else %}
{{ page.donation.percent_of_amount_goal | times:100 | round }}%
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% form_for donation %}
{% error_messages_for donation %}
{% if page.donation_v2.has_merchant_account? == false %}
No payment processor: This page will not work until you add a payment processor
{% elsif page.donation_v2.merchant_account.is_test_mode? %}
Testing mode: Transactions will not be processed. Use your regular credit card to test, you will not actually be charged.
{% endif %}
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
{% if request.current_order %}

Your order

    {% for item in request.current_order.items %}
  • {% if item.num_time_periods and item.time_period_type %} {{ item.quantity }} {{ }} @ {{ item.amount }} - billed automatically every {{ item.num_time_periods }} {{item.time_period_type }} {% else %} {{ item.quantity }} {{ }} @ {{ item.amount }} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %}

Select your amount

The average donation is $27, can you match it?

{% if page.donation_v2.amount_in_cents != 0 %}

{{ page.donation_v2.amount_formatted }}

{% else %}
{{ page.donation_v2.form_amount_options }}
{% endif %}
{% if page.donation_v2.accepts_variable_amounts? or page.donation_v2.donation_frequency == "any" %} {% if page.donation_v2.accepts_variable_amounts? %}
{{ page.donation_v2.amount_other }}
{% endif %}

{% if request.current_order %}


{% else %} {% if page.donation_v2.confirmation_amount %} You've selected
{{ page.donation_v2.currency_symbol }}
{{ page.donation_v2.confirmation_amount }} {% else %} Please select an amount {% endif %} {% if page.donation_v2.donation_frequency == "one-time" %} {% elsif page.donation_v2.donation_frequency == "monthly" %}
donated monthly
{% else %}
{% if page.donation_v2.interval_monthly? %}donated monthly{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}

Your details

{% text_field "first_name", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"First Name" %}
{% text_field "last_name", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"Last Name" %}
{% email_field "email", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"Email" %}
{% collection_select "billing_address.country_code", page.donation_v2.countries, "code", "name", class:"select form-control" %}
{% text_field "billing_address.address1", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"Address" %}
{% text_field "", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"City" %}
{% text_field "", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"Postcode" %}
{% phone_field "billing_address.phone_number", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"Phone" %}
{% unless page.show_consent_form? %}
{% check_box "email_opt_in", class:"custom-control-input" %}
{% endunless %} {% if page.donation_v2.merchant_account.is_employer_and_occupation_required? %}
{% text_field "employer", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"Employer" %}
{% text_field "occupation", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"Occupation" %}
{% if page.donation_v2.merchant_account.is_employer_address_required? %}
{% collection_select "work_address.country_code", page.donation_v2.countries, "code", "name", class:"select", required:"required" %}
{% text_field "work_address.address1", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"Employer Address 1" %}
{% text_field "work_address.address2", class:"text form-control", placeholder:"Employer Address 2" %}
{% text_field "work_address.address3", class:"text form-control work-not-us-or-canada hide", placeholder:"Employer Address 3" %}
{% text_field "", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"Employer City" %}
{% text_field "work_address.state", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"State" %}
{% text_field "", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"Postcode" %}
{% elsif page.donation_v2.merchant_account.is_employer_city_required? %}
{% collection_select "work_address.country_code", page.donation_v2.countries, "code", "name", class:"select", required:"required" %}
{% text_field "", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"Employer City" %}
{% text_field "work_address.state", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"State" %}
{% text_field "", class:"text form-control", required:"required", placeholder:"Postcode" %}
{% endif %}
Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self-employed" in employer and describe your occupation.
{% endif %} {% if page.donation_v2.merchant_account.is_corporate_contribution_required? %}
{% check_box "is_corporate_contribution", class:"custom-control-input" %}
{% endif %} {% if page_tags_list contains "#admin_custom_field_" %} {% for tag in page.tags %} {% if tag.slug contains "admin_custom_field_" %} {% assign custom_slug = tag.slug | split:"admin_custom_field_" | last %} {% include "partial_custom_people_field" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if page.donation_v2.merchant_account.is_taxable? %}
Contributions are not tax deductible.
{% else %}
Contributions are tax deductible.
{% endif %}
Continue Back

Donation information

{% if request.current_order %}


{% else %} {% if page.donation_v2.confirmation_amount %} {{ page.donation_v2.currency_symbol }} {{ page.donation_v2.confirmation_amount }} {% else %} Please select an amount {% endif %} {% if page.donation_v2.donation_frequency == "one-time" %} {% elsif page.donation_v2.donation_frequency == "monthly" %}
donated monthly
{% else %}
{% if page.donation_v2.interval_monthly? %}donated monthly{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}

Credit Card

{% payment_field 'card' %}
{% if page.donation_v2.merchant_account.has_contribution_rules? %} {{ page.donation_v2.merchant_account.contribution_rules }}
{% check_box "is_confirmed", class:"custom-control-input text-center" %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.show_consent_form? %} {% include "consent_form" %} {% endif %}
{% if page.donation_v2.donation_frequency == "any" %}

Make it monthly!

Regular donations are how I maximise the impact of the crossbench.

{{ page.donation_v2.monthly_recurring_radio_buttons | replace: 'One-time', 'No, not right now' | replace: 'Monthly', 'Yes, count me in!' }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if page.donation_v2.donation_frequency == "monthly" %}
Donated monthly
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if request.current_order %} {% submit_tag "Process payment", class:"btn btn-secondalt3 btn-default px-5 mx-1" %} {% else %} {% submit_tag "Donate now", class:"btn btn-secondalt3 btn-default px-5 mx-1" %} {% endif %}
{% endform_for %}
PayPal Logo

Would you rather donate using PayPal?

Choose between our one-off PayPal donation form and our monthly PayPal donation form.

Bank Transfer

To contribute by bank transfer, please enter the following details:

Bank name: National Australia Bank

Account Name: Jacqui Lambie Network

BSB: 087 400

Account Number: 73089 7251

Please use your full name as the reference.

Contribute by mail

To contribute by mail, please send a personal cheque made payable to the "Jacqui Lambie Network" to:


PO Box 264

Burnie TAS 7320

Please include your full name, address and email address in the envelope.

Authorised by: Jacqui Lambie, Jacqui Lambie Network, Burnie, TAS 7320

{% render tafe-donation-values %}